Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The "Cry It Out" Method.

Many moms judge me when I say that I let my babies "cry it out." I started letting them cry it out around six months old, because it was around that age that they stopped just getting exhausted, laying their head down and falling asleep.

I would be up for hours, and so would my husband, as we'd try desperately to rock two babies to sleep. Then we got to the point where we just put them in their cribs, crying and screaming at the top of their lungs, and shut the door. After ten minutes or so, they were fast asleep.

Yes, it is heart-wrenching to hear your babies cry until their voice gets hoarse. I hate it. But for me, a mom of twins, sometimes its the only way they can fall asleep. We try to set a time limit of ten minutes of letting them cry it out, and then we'd check on them, put pacifiers in, etc.

Crying is, for me, the best way to drain all of my energy and I know it is for my babies as well. It doesn't hurt them as long as you keep the crying to a time limit and, for me, is much safer than resorting to co-sleeping to get your babies to fall asleep.

So, just know, you will find no judgement here for using the CIO method. You'll just find empathy and support.

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