Our sweeties are seven months old today!!! Can you believe it?! They are over half a year old now and they couldn't be growing more quickly! They both are getting teeth like
crazy. They eat SO much and they are outgrowing EVERYTHING!
They have outgrown their bouncers,
tons of clothes that they used to swim in, and have outgrown both their car seats and double stroller! We will surely miss these things, but it's time to retire them and move on because these big girls are growing every single day.
My favorite things about this period are:
New toys!
They love their new jumperoo from their papa & tutu! |
They also love their exersaucer even more! They play with all the toys and jump in it too! |
New food!
They have eaten mango, guava, squash, carrots, peas, corn, apples, pears, pineapple, oatmeal, and more! |
New strollers!
We got a new front and back stroller and they got knocked out while walking with grandma! |
They love their new stroller because the seats RECLINE! Ah, so relaxing! |
We also got individual umbrella strollers and they love them too! |
New car seats!
They finally outgrew their infant carrier car seats and we replaced them with these two MASSIVE seats! |
They take up the entire back row! Cadence is so proud of her "big girl" seat :) |
And lots of new teeth!!
They now each have four teeth coming in on top. |
They have a total of 6 teeth! They are teething like crazy!! |
Each of the girls have grown in the past month in their own ways. Their personalities are starting to become more pronounced, and so are their looks!
Aria is now 17 lbs. 5 oz. She is 27 inches long and loves to say "yayaya". She is much better at feeding herself with the bottle and is usually the first to finish it. She is starting to lift her arms up when she wants to be held and she gets so excited when she sees that we have food for her. She also loves when we put our hands on and off of her mouth so that she sounds like an indian when she yells. She is starting to become ticklish on her sides and she is getting a lot better around strangers.

Cadence is now 17 lbs. 4 oz. She is also 27 inches long. She likes to say "mama" and "baba". She is the most curious little girl ever. She is always getting distracted while we are trying to feed her so it takes twice as long for her to finish her bottle. She always is able to find any sort of cords or wires we have around the house and she's not even crawling yet! We are babyproofing like crazy before they become even more mobile. She is very reserved and doesn't smile easily (which is why I love this picture because it's so candid!). She has a harder time falling to sleep at night, but she is always so happy in the morning.
We love these sweetie pies so much and are so happy to have had another wonderful month with them! We are excited for all the changes we are making as they grow - out with the old and in with the new! We are struggling to keep up with how quickly these babies are growing. We just can't wait for what the future has in store for these little cuties!
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