We were both very shocked. I found out when I was 9 weeks along. You can read more about our reactions here.
Are they identical?
Yes, we know that they are identical because they both shared one placenta. The more accurate term is "mono-di twins". They have subtle differences, but for the most part, people have a really tough time telling them apart.
Which of you has twins in their family?
We both have some twins somewhere in our families, but mostly very distant relatives. However, we learned that with identical twins, conceiving them isn't a genetic phenomenon but rather just spontaneous. This basically means that our twins were simply a random, spontaneous blessing.
Who was born first?
Aria was born just twenty seconds before Cadence. They were both born at 9:19 (in the same minute), but Aria came out just a little before.
How much did they weigh?
Aria clocked in at 5 lbs. 6 oz. and Cadence was 5 lbs. 2 oz.
Were they premature?
Technically, yes. They were born at 36 weeks, 1 day. For twins, babies are considered full term at 37 weeks.
How were they delivered?
They were delivered via scheduled C-section. I wanted a natural birth, but the perinatologists I saw during my pregnancy as well as my OBGyn, recommended a C-section because it was safer for twins sharing one placenta.
What problems did you face that were related to your pregnancy?
First, I was diagnosed with Impaired Glucose Tolerance which is a lesser form of Gestational Diabetes. I was put on a low-sugar diet and had to take my blood sugars 4 times a week. After pregnancy, I was diagnosed with Post-partum Cardiomyopathy which is a much more serious disorder that basically meant I had a form of Congestive Heart Failure. I've been on several medications and a low-sodium diet ever since.
What do their middle names mean?
We decided to give the girls Hawaiian middle names and I wanted to name them after two of my favorite flowers.
Aria's middle name is Kielekea. This is the Hawaiian word for "gardenia".
Cadence's middle name is Puamelia, which is the Hawaiian word for "plumeria".
How do you tell them apart?
Right now, the girls are still very young, but the main way we can tell them apart is by their hair. Aria's hair is longer and sticks up while Cadence's is shorter and more matted to her head. Aria also has a birthmark on her tummy and Cadence has a small one on her bum. Their faces are different shapes as well. Aria's is narrower, and Cadence's is round.
Are you breastfeeding?
Not anymore. The girls had a difficult time at the breast when they were born because the pediatrician at the hospital immediately had to give them formula due to their low blood sugars. They were all too familiar with the bottle by the time I had a chance to even try breastfeeding. After two semi-unsuccessful weeks of attempts, I decided to exclusively pump and feed them with the bottle. It was a huge help because others could feed them and I wasn't the only source of food for them. With all of my hospital visits and time away from them, we also needed to supplement with formula. The medications I was given for my heart (lasix) dried me up and the girls have been drinking formula exclusively ever since they were four months old.
How many diapers do you go through a day?
With twins, it varies. But on average, we go through about 18 diapers a day. That's 126 a week, and about 504 a month! Basically, we're always changing diapers.
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