Sunday, May 18, 2014

Two Months Old!

Today Aria and Cadence turn two months old!! They have grown SO much in these last two months. They each have more than doubled in size, and they have made some huge strides in their development as well. At their last doctor's appointment, Aria weighed 10 lbs 13 oz and Cadence was 10 lbs 8 oz! Let's just take a look at how much their little bodies have grown.

Aria and Cadence a little over a week old.

Aria and Cadence in the same outfits at two months old.
Some things that have changed:
- They drink four ounces of milk at each feeding. Feedings during the day are spaced out now between every 3-4 hours. At night, they can sleep anywhere from 4-7 hours. We love those 7 hour nights!
- They can hold their heads up for a while without assistance. They've been able to hold their heads up sometimes for five or six minutes straight without resting it on us.
- They are cooing like crazy!! We love hearing them try to talk to us or answer our questions. It's sooo adorable.
- They have fat rolls and double chins. Our babies don't look like skeletons anymore! They fill out their clothes and have even out grown some of them!
- They love being bounced in their bouncers. Before, they didn't really like them - mostly because they didn't fit and were really uncomfortable. Now, they love being bounced and fall right to sleep!
- They have moved on to size 1 diapers!! Our little girls are big girls now! "Big-ger" girls, I should say... along with the transition to size 1, they also are using less diapers throughout the day. Not much less, but we aren't having quite as many diaper changes.

Some things that haven't changed:
- They still love to be swaddled. We usually just swaddle them at bed-time, though. It really helps to not startle them and wake them up unnecessarily.
- They are still bottle-fed. We are still working on getting them exclusively on breastmilk, but whether it is breastmilk or formula, it comes from the bottle.
- They still have their hair! Everyone told me that they'd lose all their beautiful hair by now, but it's all still there, and growing!! I love it :)
- They still struggle with tummy-time. Even though their necks are getting stronger, sometimes they fight it with all their might.

- Lastly, they are still the most adorable babies ever!!!

As usual, to commemorate their two month old-ness, we had a photoshoot after church :)

Smiley Cadence
Sleepy Aria

These cuties aren't the only ones who've changed...

In the last two months, I have lost a total of 49 pounds!! With all the breastfeeding, diet changes, and normal exercise from tending to twins, I am now 12 pounds below the weight I was when I first got pregnant.

Kurt has also gained some muscle from carrying our little chubsters around everywhere!!

(Mmmm... what a *hunk*!)
We all have grown (or shrunk, haha) in different ways in these last two months. Kurt and I have had so many awesome learning experiences as parents and continue to learn each day. Aria and Cadence get bigger and stronger every day as well, and we are trying to keep up! It's amazing to see how much they've grown, but the thing that I never expected was that I'd miss (just a little) how small they were. Each day, as they get bigger and older, I just get a little nostalgic of those teeny tiny babies we met two short months ago. But they'll always and forever be my beautiful little babies. :)

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